Neuropathy pain is an annoying pain. It’s sharp, throbbing, burning pain making the affected
extremity - be it the feet or hands, toes, fingers, legs - sensitive to even
touch. Montreal neuropathic pain sufferers often
find themselves taking drugs
like anticonvulsants and antidepressants and opioids to control
neuropathic pain since they are the most commonly
prescribed drugs. (1) Some patients react well.
Some experience only minor pain relief. Some cannot
take the drugs because of the adverse
side-effects. Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic understands this vexation.
Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic helps many Montreal neuropathy patients
try other means to pain relief like nutrition
(particularly B vitamins) and spinal manipulation to get the Montreal
neuropathic pain relief they desire.
Nutraceuticals – like vitamin supplements – may well be an important part – supportive or primary – in managing pain. One
study reports that adequately dosed
nutraceuticals may play a helpful role in managing peripheral
neuropathy. Neuropathy may reveal itself due to
different types of reasons like diabetes,
alcoholism, unspecific, or iatrogenic. Plus, these compounds
like Vitamin B complex, alpha lipoic acid, L-acetyl carnitine, vitamin E,
magnesium, gamma linolenic acid, capsaicin, and Coenzyme Q were tolerated
well when taken for extended periods of time. Some
patients stated that they experienced nausea and
vomiting when ALA was taken at 1200 mg or more though. (1,2) Why
then if doses can be adjusted aren’t they suggested
or used more? They are not usually paid
for by insurance, and patients, and doctors may not be familiar with what these options are and what benefits they may might
deliver. (1) Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic is well
informed of such options. Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic helps Montreal
chiropractic patients find their way with these options to boost
their benefits for Montreal pain relief.
B vitamins perform. How? B vitamins enhance
the effectiveness of morphine’s pain-relieving
effect of stopping pain sensation and reduce
chronic morphine tolerance. How is this helpful? The
action of morphine is like the action of
neuropathic pain, burning pain that tracks a nerve from the spine
through an extremity like the leg or arm, settling in the
feet, toes, or fingers. B vitamins are reported to weaken
neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve injury, sensory neuron
inflammation/compression as well as transient spinal cord ischemia (temporary
blockage of blood supply to the spinal cord). Adding B
vitamins to the pain control drug schedule for a patient with
neuropathic pain may well be advantageous!
(3) And Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic combines nutrition with its spinal
manipulation Cox® Technic protocols for Montreal neuropathy patients
to uncover neuropathic pain relief.
CONTACT Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic
Listen to this PODCAST
with Dr. Kyle Pankonin on the Back Doctor’s Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson
about how he helps patients with sciatica (leg pain) that
goes down nerve tracts down the leg but not to
the extent of neuropathy. Good information on how Cox® Technic
Schedule a Montreal chiropractic appointment with
Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic today for Montreal neuropathic pain relief. B
vitamins and other nutrients included in your daily routine
along with Montreal chiropractic spinal manipulation may be the
relieving combination you need to find
Montreal pain relief.