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Montreal Chiropractic Nutrition Tip: B Vitamins are Key!

Spina bifida. Osteoporosis. Dementia. Heart disease. Mood. Energy. Post-surgical delirium. B vitamin status affects these health issues and more. Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic manages health and spine issues for Montreal chiropractic patients throughout their lives and endeavors to sustain those lives as active and healthy all along the way with chiropractic care that involves spinal manipulation as well as nutrition, particularly centered on B vitamin status.


There is a variety of B vitamins of importance. B vitamins maintain the body’s production and use of energy derived from food. Foods like fish, poulty, meat, eggs, dairy, green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, some cereals and breads supply B vitamins. (1) In the US, fortified-with-folate grains since 1998 reduced spina bifida cases by 767 per year and saved $603 million annually. Other diseases also dropped in incidence like myocardial infarction, stroke, dementia and osteoporosis adding 266,649 quality-adjusted life-years and saving $3.6 billion a year for cardiac infarction. In Japan, fortification of rice with folate reduced the same and similar issues. (2) B vitamins ease stress, anxiety, depression, PMS; help memory, energy, mood, wound healing, and DNA repair; reduce the risk of spina bifida, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, migraine, cholesterol levels. Some certain examples of B vitamin deficiency issues are the lack of folic acid, B6 and B12 which may lead to raised homocysteine levels, placing you at risk for chronic illness like heart disease. B12 helps antidepressant meds work. B8 (inositol) is reported to help depression and anxiety. B12 becomes more significant the older we get as we don’t process it as well as we do when we are younger. A good multi-supplement may supply all the B vitamins you require. (3) Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic will determine this with you.


There are 8 B vitamins. Together, they are discussed as the B vitamin complex. B vitamin status affects gene-nutrient interactions and more. Folate (B9)-related diseases like spina bifida are avoidable with folic acid supplementation for pregnant mothers. B12-related issues like risk of cognitive dysfunction, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis may be addressed with improved B12 levels which may be harder for older people as it is not as well absorbed as we age. Older folks are not alone though as some of us have genetic qualities that make it tougher, too, like those with MTHFR which is linked to issues like stroke. Riboflavin (B2) has newly been found related to blood pressure and the risk of hypertension. (4) Including B vitamins with pre-surgical solution of patients undergoing on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting surgery decreases the incidence of postoperative delirium often reported in cobalamin (B12)-deficient patients. (5) Getting enough and getting the right type of B vitamin is important for all of us of all ages throughout our lives! Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic understands and suggests that Montreal chiropractic patients have their B levels tested and addressed as necessary.


B vitamins diminished neuropathic pain related to peripheral nerve injury, sensory neuron inflammation and compression, and transient spinal cord ischemia. Researchers saw that B vitamins enhanced the effectiveness of morphine when used for severe pain.  Researchers made a connection between the action of morphine and neuropathic pain. Therefore, researchers suggested that B vitamins may aid patients with neuropathic pain. (6) Let’s talk about how B vitamins may benefit you at your next Montreal chiropractic appointment.

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Chiropractors study nutrition as part of their professional chiropractic training. Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson who shares  two cases. In case #2, he describes interdisciplinary care gentle Cox® Technic, exercise and nutrition (for vitamin B12 deficiency per the involved neurologist’s recommendation).

Schedule you Montreal chiropractic appointment with Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic today to manage and/or prevent cognitive, heart-related, developmental, and skeletal issues that may hold you back. Our gentle chiropractic spinal manipulation and well-thought out treatment plan will keep you moving!

Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic emphasizes the importance of B vitamins to prevent diseases like spina bifida, osteoporosis, myocardial infarction, and more! 
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