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Nutrition Articles

Tryptophan: A Sleepy Amino Acid

Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and turkey, oh my! As your mouth salivates just thinking about the holiday meal, be ready to give into the post-dinner relaxation and calm. Eat. Nap. Enjoy!

Broccoli: Your Super Vegetable

Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic wants you to eat your veggies! Start with broccoli. The greener (or even purplish), the better.  It’s anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, full of fiber, vitamins and nutrients. Spice it. Butter it. Cheese it. Just eat it!

Prunes & Pomegranates are Your Friends!

Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic wants you to try a couple "p" fruits: the prune and pomegranate. Yes, they’re a bit odd. One's a shriveled up plum and the other has funny seeds inside. But they taste good and are so good for you!