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Spine Articles

Neck Curvature: Big Deal? Pain Is.

Montreal chiropractic neck pain patients usually want relief for their neck pain. The curve of the neck is interesting to most patients, but pain relief is their focus.

More Knowledge, Less Invasive Care, Less Back Surgery

Location, practice type, and education influence the type and occurrence of back surgery. Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic is available to Montreal back pain patients as they decide on surgery or seek relief after back surgery should the pain continue.

Look to the Spine!

Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic relies on the latest evidence-based approach to diagnosing and treating spine related pain. Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic looks to the spine for answers!

Warning for Backpack Wearers Young and Old(er)

Backpacks worn by youth and adults are risks for low back pain that Dr. Hoang's Chiropractic Clinic meets every day. Montreal chiropractic patients are encouraged to find other ways to carry their stuff!